
Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Some of Famous RISC microprocessor

  • 801
To prove that his RISC concept was sound,John Cocke created the 801 prototype micrroprocessor (1975). It was never marketed but plays a pivotal role in computer history,becoming the first RISC microprocessor.

  • RISC 1 and 2 

The first"proper" RISC chips were created at Berkely Uinversity in 1985.

  • ARM

One of the most well known RISC developers is cambridge vased advanced Research Machines (originally ACORN  RESEARCH  MACHINES). Their ARM aand Strong ARM  chips power the old Acorn Archimedes and the apple newton handwriting recognition systems.Since the unbundling of ARM from Acorn ,intel has invested a considerable amount of money in the company and has utilized the technology in their processor design. One of the main advantaged for the ARM is the price;its costs less than £10. If samsung had bought the Amiga in1994,they would possibly have used the chip to power the low-end Amigas.

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