
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

current scenario of VLSI technology

hello friends....for thoes who are finding current scenario of  VLSI TECHNOLOGY ,, pleaase check the below links and read both pdf files. it is interesting.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

distingousness between MICRRO-ELECTRONICS AND VLSI

hello guys...
if u r confused about two large domain for your masters i.e. microelectronics and VLSI than pls pls let it be cleared about them..
the domain microelectronic is work for making reduction of various big hardware and module in size with same features,whereas VLSI technology is basically working on integrated that reduced hardware or module.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Write a verilog code to swap contents of two registers with and without a temporary register?

With temp reg ;

always @ (wd clock)






Without temp reg;

always @ (wd clock)


a <= b;

b <= a;


Sunday, 15 September 2013

Technology and real life

Electronics as we know it today is characterized by reliability, low power dissipation, extremely low weight and volume, and low cost, coupled with an ability to cope easily with a high degree of sophistication and complexity.
 Electronics, and in particular the integrated circuit, has made possible the design of powerful and flexible processors which provide highly intelligent and adaptable devices for the user
our daily day life usage are best examples of it.i.e. mobile laptop..

VLSI technical house

To work on 3 v dc power for operate a mobile is one of great achivement in array of vlsi dream viewer.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

International Conferebce on VLSI- Embedded technology at IITB -2014

A very good chance for the people who are intrested in VLSI technology and EMBEDDED System pls concern such stuff at IITB.
It is 27 th International Conference on VLSI technology  and
16 th I.C. on Embedded System.

FPGA kit model

SLS pvt.lmt company manufature the FPGA board i.e. ESDK board at anand,gujarat ..seen below model of it.
althogh containing LCD and tw0 portable cable and more...
with costing of 20,000 rs.
for more info about the kit ,people may contact by mail o else.

Ethics of VLSI technology :

" A great law of moore's sir ,given that after a complition of every 3 years, a chip size of containing billions of x'tors must b half of its actual size in presents,and the no of transistors of IC will be doubled .. "

Saturday, 24 August 2013

VLSI dream,

"  Every vlsi engineer's dream on VLSI is to work on 0 power for the electronics environment..... "
all the best guys....go for it if you are really work on it....